Z is for Ziraleet – An expression of joy for all the good people

The Blurred Line

Peggy Moran, Constance Moore and Anne Nagal

I got paid today. From the good people.

Not the badpeople who still haven’t paid me for three months.

good badWhen I was growing up TV and the movies made good and bad very simple.

Bad guys wore black and had no redeeming features.

Also, it was the Cold War and Apartheid so they were either Russian or South African.

These days it seems much more fuzzy.

The bad guys seems to wear white Panama suits and the good guys wear black leather.

This post is on honour of the good people, or the good things people do without realising they are doing them or expecting anything in return.

jackie-chan-untitled-projectI think that we tend to take the good people for granted.

The chap who will give you two bucks to help you get out the parking, when the machine keeps spitting your paper note back at you like some horrible…

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